Tradovate Futures Trading Blog

Futures Traders Get Ready for Commission Free Nano Bitcoin Futures

Written by Tradovate | June 24, 2022 at 3:32 PM

Why are crypto traders getting excited about Nano Bitcoin futures?

June 27th, 2022 - That’s the date crypto traders are getting excited about, because that’s the day you can start trading Nano Bitcoin Futures with Tradovate.


Nano Bitcoin Futures from Coinbase Derivatives, offers active futures traders and Bitcoin enthusiasts alike a new cost-efficient choice to access the Bitcoin marketplace: Legitimately bite-sized contracts, commission free trading and only $25 day trading margins.


Traders and investors of cryptocurrencies are quite familiar with Bitcoin’s ups and downs.  In addition to recent and major swings in price, Bitcoin traders are also familiar with the challenges inherent to trading the actual coin: the high trading costs, the inability to easily go short, the lack of a regulated trading exchange, and more.  


Nano Bitcoin Futures… Get something “right-sized” for retail traders

Combining Bitcoin with Nano-sized futures is exactly the recipe many traders and investors of all asset classes have been looking for.  Here’s why…

  • Right-sized contracts. Nano Bitcoin Futures represent 1/100th of a single Bitcoin, and was designed specifically for the retail trader and investor.  Currently the smallest-sized Bitcoin futures available, this nano-sizing allows you to trade with day trade margins of only $25.

  • If you’re only buying Bitcoin, are you really trading?  Products go up and down and you want to be able to take advantage of both sides of a market. If you’re trading only the actual Bitcoin, your options to go short are very limited and far from easy. Nano Bitcoin Futures easily allows for both long and short trading by simply buying or selling contracts. Oh, and no $25,000 pattern day-trading balance requirements, no uptick rule, and no short-selling restrictions like stocks.
  • Peace of mind; worth its weight in gold.  While you may not know this, you certainly should… Bitcoin, as with all cryptocurrencies, is not a regulated asset, nor does it trade on a regulated exchange. Nano Bitcoin Futures is a regulated product trading on Coinbase Derivatives, a regulated exchange, and one with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission maintaining a watchful eye.   

So, get ready to trade Nano Bitcoin with Tradovate - Open an account Today!

Tradovate gives you the tools you need to buy, sell and trade Nano Bitcoin futures anywhere, anytime and on any device.

Learn more about Nano Bitcoin futures by watching this quick video.


Still want to learn more? Visit our Nano Bitcoin futures page.


Trading virtual currency derivatives have a variety of unique and potentially significant risks. Please read our full Virtual Currency Transaction Disclosures & Risk Disclosure Statement for Virtual Currency Futures prior to any virtual currency trading.